At IP SoC 17, what's new in IPMS™ ?
The 6 reasons to use IPMS™ Infrastructure as your internal IP Management System.
Grenoble, France - IP-SoC 2017
At IP SoC 17 D&R will demonstrate some recent features enhancing the power of IPMS™ the turnkey solution for IP providers.
One of the ongoing challenges in IP management is the unification/synchronization of the various IP Views allowing a mandatory multi facet IP management.
As an illustration, answers and solutions to 6 frequently encountered challenges will be demoed at IP SoC 17
- FAQ 1 : "How to keep In Sync an IP list as the central node of IP management with an evolving Web Home page?"
The Solution : Use "IP List to Web Home Page IPMS™ Mapper"
IPMS provides a well-known powerful IP/Product web catalog technology characterized by a XML front end on top of the DB, well known for its rich flexible formatting capabilities, and powered by various API to the native IP data. A "mapper", establishes a correspondence between the (hierarchical) "floorplan" of an IP list or (IP shop) web page and identified data in the IP catalogs. Thus metadata will be easily refreshed and "triggered live" in that evolving web IP page.
- FAQ 2 : "How can I stay in Sync with partner/client portal?"
The Solution: Trigger automatically IP Data export and your Partner/Client site will be refreshed automatically at a selected frequency or upon acceptance.
IPMS™ provides unique export primitives that can be triggered manually, upon modification or at given frequency. Should the partner portal be equipped by an IPMS™ module, data will be automatically refreshed at selected frequency.
Be part of D&R ecosystem and Stay In Sync with D&R portal and potential or actual clients.
- FAQ 3 : "How to list the IP version/configuration "ready to go" for a client in sync with the product catalog?"
The solution: Use "Product to IP Shelf Delivery Release IPMS™ Mapper"
For monitoring IP/product delivery, it is mandatory to link a product catalog to its "frozen" Version/Configurations called "IP Shelf Delivery Releases" ready for client delivery . The label "Shelf Delivery" emphasizes the fact that a Shelf delivery may go to several clients.
A product is identified by a unique Part Number and a shelf delivery by an extension of the Part Number (Shelf delivery Release ID) fulfilling an automated naming convention. The flexible XML formatting part of IPMS™ allows an evolving documentation specific to each IP shelf delivery.
Extension to Multiproduct delivery, predefined packages or "sponsored packages" bundling libraries, foundations IP or design kits (possibly freely downloadable by identified customers) is supported.
- FAQ 4 : "How to optimize IP delivery and know at a glance "What is delivered to whom?"
The Solution : "Monitor and trace IP Delivery to Client"
As mentioned above the list of shelf delivery releases or packages candidate for client delivery are permanently updated in IPMS™. To each IP delivery release, a link to the design DB specifies IP location. Thus, at any time, an automated file extraction of a Shelf Delivery can be triggered.
The client delivery is defined by a subset of the shelf delivery releases including predefined bundles. The delivery process can be triggered by user request on line or initiated by delivery managers.
The shelf delivery can be stored in a separate delivery server or extracted on demand from the design DB. IPMS™ offers an advanced control of a safe IP File transfer worldwide using SFTP or http protocols whatever the storage option is.
- FAQ 5 : "Which bug affects which client?"
The Solution : Use the integrated BUG Manager of IPMS™
The bug declaration specifies the IP Shelf Delivery releases affected by the bug. Having traced the delivery in terms of Shelf Delivery Releases the system will indicate at each time the customer "affected" by a bug. It is then straightforward to warn automatically a client about the opening of new bug and the availability of a correcting patch...
- FAQ 6 : "Do I need separate CRM platform?"
The solution: use the CRM extensions in IPMS™ for managing Finance and Usage Report and more.
Market available CRM products will not provide the level of integration you need.
IPMS™ is equipped to handle IP license, maintenance and royalty fee with date due and payment follow up. It is the market unique platform to offer a royalty function library while triggering customer reports request.
Use the unique integrated IP Provider Station of the market
Jump over the competition
Contact us and visit us at IP SoC 17
Do not miss it : D&R will close its birthday year by attractive offerings for his partners.